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Monday, November 29, 2010

Environmental progression remains slow

President Obama seems seems to have an array of problems coming his direction. His plans to reduce industrial pollution 17% from 2005 levels by 2020 has not been accepted by Congress, and with the increase of Republicans in the House and Senate will further push his plans out of the mix. Currently, he is pursuing smaller measures and has made a bit of progress. "He has cited efforts to promote electric vehicles, nuclear power, renewable energy and energy efficiency. He also has touted the Environmental Protection Agency's plans, beginning next year, to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases" (USA Today). 

The major problems with Obama's plans and environmental agencies, is that they are trying to promote large scale changes. "Climate" is a word that seems to scare people, rather than inspire people to make a change. Companies need to begin focusing on what the people find appealing such as electric cars; things that directly affect people right now.


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